I am wondering if anyone has heard how Mary is doing.
Any contacts?
i am wondering if anyone has heard how mary is doing.. any contacts?
I am wondering if anyone has heard how Mary is doing.
Any contacts?
could you please take a few minutes to answer the following questions:.
1. your age.
2. how long were you a witness.
1. your age 46
2. how long were you a Witness 16 years (3-19)
3. how long have you been out of the religion. 27 Years
4. which of the following symptoms did you experience as a witness. -
4a. depression Yes
4b. low self esteem Yes
4c. anxiety Yes
4d. psychosis No
5. Today, which of those symptoms do you have? all of them except 4d
6. Today, how would you rate your overall degree of happiness 1. much less happy than as a JW 2. somewhat less happy 3. just as happy 4. somewhat more happy 5. much more happy
Yikes what happened? I can't turn it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry
Edited by - Been There on 13 October 2002 21:56:12
some of you may have seen my previous thread regarding a secret gift exchange for the upcoming holiday season.
so here it is......the official sign up!
Sign me up! You got my snail mail addy!
posting on wtlies thread i got to thinking about the shows i watched as a kid.
there were a couple that scared the &*^% out of me.
the old twilight zone where the little demon guy was on the airplane wing was really scary.
I didn't think about the wizard of oz but yes it scared me too. The monkey's flying out of the castle and the witch. The old B movies at the drive- in were fun. There was the one where these huge ants were attacking. Those ants where VERY big at the drive-in. But I have fond memorys of being a kid playing up front on the swings, slide and merri-go-round waiting for the movies to start. Being outside on a cool night will bring back the memories. Had a few more memories as a teen.............won't go there!
posting on wtlies thread i got to thinking about the shows i watched as a kid.
there were a couple that scared the &*^% out of me.
the old twilight zone where the little demon guy was on the airplane wing was really scary.
Posting on WTLies thread I got to thinking about the shows I watched as a kid. There were a couple that scared the &*^% out of me. The old Twilight Zone where the little demon guy was on the airplane wing was really scary. Another one was The House on Haunted Hill, with Vincent Price in it. The part in the basement when the ghost floats across the floor.
In general all the old Frankinstein, Dracula, Wolfman shows were scary to me ( but I watched them ). Oh I just thought of another one that was really scary. I can't remember the name of it but there was aliens or something staulking people. This girl & guy were making out in a car and this alien hand crawls up the seat and sticks out these long spikes to poke them in the neck with. These shows are funny now, but not when I was a little JW kid. (I'm going to be hideing under the covers tonight) There are more but I'll let someone else have a go at it.
we had a whole list of shows we were not allowed to watch including 'speed racer', you'll never guess why.
it was beacuse in the theme song it says "he's a demon on wheels" but then my mother was a jw fanatic lol.
My granny raised me, I don't recall to many things I couldn't watch. Bewitched was one I couldn't. But I remember watching the old twilight zone shows and lost in space. I even watched the updates on the Vietnam war. I'm sure there would have been more I couldn't watch but I was always at meeting or out in service. I miss never watching cartoons as a kid. I think I'll start a post!!!!!!!
tomorrow mary is having major surgery,,,,,lots of hugs being sent your way...thinking of you and wishing you a fast and total recovery,,,,it will take some time,,,so go slow...and know you are cared about.......
love is in the air for bikerchik and onacruse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have a fantastic weekend....you are so happy it just brings joy to all of us..."congratulations"
Wishing you a speedy and uneventful recovery.
I'll be thinkin bout ya! I'll send a few prayers up for you too. Take care & check in when you can to let us know how you are.
this is incredible.
i hope you all have an internet connection so you can view it.. i believe it's more likely to work for you if your sound is on.. .
it came from people at nasa by way of a friend of mine.. .
I saw it, I saw it. WOW!!!!!!!!! Made my heart go pitty patter, pitty patter.
That was great Ravyn, Thanks for sharing.
i swear, if this recording would have picked up my saying, "f--k you!, i'd have said it.
geezzzzz, give me a break.
how in the hell is one supposed to take care of busines when all you get is some recording!
New World Order????????????
i swear, if this recording would have picked up my saying, "f--k you!, i'd have said it.
geezzzzz, give me a break.
how in the hell is one supposed to take care of busines when all you get is some recording!
(covering my sensitive ears)